Clever Seasonal Gadgets
Over the past century, countless products have been created to make our lives easier and better. More than ever, this is also true for holiday-related gadgets. Here are just some examples of ones that can make your holidays run more smoothly.

Tree-safety devices
According to the National Fire Protection Association, Christmas trees are, on average, the source of around 160 fires and millions of dollars in damage each year in the United States. Most homeowners take necessary safety steps, such as keeping their trees away from heat sources and watering them regularly. Technology is here to help as well. Consider these tree-monitoring smart gadgets for added safety.
Tree alarm
The earlier smoke or fire can be detected from a tree, the better—every second counts. In addition to your home’s smoke detectors, a heat-sensing tree alarm can be lifesaving. Safer Alarms’s version, for example, looks like an ornament, so you hang it on your tree like any other decoration. However, it will send a signal to a remote alarm in an emergency, making it a stealth safety blanket for you and your family.
Automated tree-watering system
You never have to think twice about watering your real tree if you use one of these clever contraptions. Just set it, let it do its job of hydrating the tree when needed, and refill when necessary. Much like the tree alarm, many of these systems blend into your holiday decor because they look like a gift bag or present.
Holiday-light conveniences
Holiday lights are amazing. But the task of reaching to unplug the tree or dashing outdoors at night to turn off the lights? Not so much. However, by utilizing one of these handy devices, you can make the task as simple as pushing a button.
Indoor outlet extension cord
If, like many people, the outlet for your tree is out of arm’s reach, plugging and unplugging it can be a struggle. By using a dedicated tree light extension cord with a foot switch, you can take care of this daily task with just one tap.
Waterproof exterior remote control
With outdoor lights, you need to account for the elements as well—you don’t want water or ice soaking your outlet or plug prongs. Save yourself from that situation with a waterproof remote-control system. Simply connect your lights, plug the device into an electrical outlet, and enjoy turning your outside lights on and off from inside your home.
High-tech lights
Finally, consider your choice of lights. Nowadays, you don’t even need to move a muscle to turn them on and off with a smart string of lights that can be activated by your voice or with your smartphone. You’ll pay more, but it may be worth doing so to easily control the colors, brightness, music, and timing of your lights.
Give yourself the gift of convenience this year by stocking up on gadgets that will not only make the season merry and bright but also provide peace of mind to the season.