How to Create Lasting Holiday Traditions
Magic abounds in the crisp December air: twinkling lights fill the night sky, carolers sing in local parks, and homes smell like warm spices and pine needles.
Such traditions are part of what makes the season feel truly special, providing a comforting sense of familiarity and serving as anchors in the always shifting flow of life. More than that, they help build connections between loved ones, who come together for them to celebrate, enjoy shared experiences, and create cherished memories.
Odds are, you already have at least a few well-established customs with family and friends, but if not, it’s never too late to start. Here are a few different ways to create new holiday traditions or even enhance existing ones during this festive time of year.
Evoke the senses
From elaborate decorative displays to jaunty tunes to scrumptious meals and desserts, the holidays are a feast for the senses, so why not lean into it? Try these ideas for incorporating each of the five primary elements into your celebrations to give you and your loved ones a memorable experience.

There’s nothing like a soft glow to provide a comforting ambience or colorful bulbs to elicit holiday cheer. If your decor includes strands of lights, make an event of hanging them up around entryways, window frames, and more; the “wow” factor of turning them all on for the first time is the perfect way to mark the beginning of the season. For a lower-effort variation on this tradition, plan a family outing to a nearby light show. Whether in your local gardens or neighborhoods, you’re sure to stumble across a display that will inspire wonder in young and old alike.
This sense may be the one most closely linked to emotion, so it’s no surprise that scents like gingerbread or sugar cookie can immediately spark joy for many. But rather than simply lighting a candle, begin a custom of baking treats with loved ones to get a natural aroma while enjoying time together. Let the sweet smell fill your house, then use creative cookie decorations to turn the activity into a friendly competition or family art project.

The holidays feature many traditional sounds—ringing bells, classic holiday ditties, and crackling fireplaces, to name a few. Personalize this element by making your own playlist comprising vintage songs, classical music, or unusual family favorites. Whether you want to belt out lyrics with loved ones while cooking or have soft background instrumental tunes playing while opening presents, this is an easy tradition to integrate into just about any activity.
Food often takes center stage during family get-togethers this time of year. In addition to the usual dishes, consider adding some unfamiliar delicacies, perhaps looking at other customs from around the world for inspiration. For instance, you could indulge in spiced hot chocolate, a Peruvian tradition, or make a batch of saffron buns, sweet breads featuring currants and raisins served on Saint Lucy’s Day in Sweden.
There are many ways to incorporate this element, but one unique approach is distributing handcrafted gifts to loved ones or those in need. Depending on your skills, you could make a warm knitted blanket or mittens to help stave off the chill of the season. Or if you prefer sending sentiments over knitting, try writing sincere cards by hand, each one a declaration of love and thankfulness. You can get extra crafty with this idea by adding a variety of ribbons and other embellishments to make the cards truly unique.
Give your time
The holidays are a time for giving, but that doesn’t have to be limited to within your family and friend groups. Volunteering together would allow everyone to not only assist those in need but also experience compassion in action. Such an experience may, in turn, provide a mental health boost, give a sense of purpose, teach positive skills, and encourage stronger bonds. And the benefits may be even more impactful for children. For instance, according to U.S. News & World Report, adolescents who volunteer have been shown to have improved grades, engage in drug abstinence, and have higher self-esteem than those who don’t.
Some top organizations seeking volunteers this season include shelters, soup kitchens, food banks or pantries, and animal shelters. You can also look into supporting a toy drive. Take your family shopping together, and have your kids select the toys to encourage social responsibility and foster their empathy skills.

Gear up for the new year
If you’re trying to figure out what your New Year’s resolutions might be, why not make it a group event? Gather family or friends for a night of music and snacks while you discuss your dreams for the months ahead. You could even make vision boards, a popular way to establish goals; in fact, they’ve even been argued to be more effective than basic list making. Once the ideas get flowing, you may find yourself with goals you never would have discovered on your own.

Save stories for the next generations
Finally, make sure to capture the memories to ensure that they live on for generations. Begin a scrapbook or memory box by loading it with pictures, handwritten recipes, tickets from holiday celebrations, and little handcrafted decorations. Or you could create a PowerPoint or short film using pictures and videos from your festivities, adding celebratory music and narration to the mix. This can be a great way to not only save the memories digitally but also share them with friends and relatives who couldn’t make it in person. Whatever your approach, this record will serve as a treasured collection of shared laughter and special memories you can look back on with fondness.

This holiday season, honor your loved ones by slowing down, enjoying each moment to the fullest, and starting traditions to carry on for years to come. Embrace the true meaning of togetherness, and your home will turn into a haven of warmth and connection filled with a lifetime of memories.