Organize Your Closet and Drawers for Fall
If you need more space for your fall clothing, now is the time to start thinking about switching out your summer wardrobe for warmer clothes. Use this guide to help you organize your closet and drawers for autumn.

Evaluate your clothes
Take a good look at your summer and fall clothing. Remove and set aside anything that doesn’t fit, is worn, or is out of style. Mend anything salvageable so it can be worn again. You can give items that are in good condition to friends, family, or a charity. In addition, if your fall clothing was stored in an attic or basement, you might want to wash it so it’s clean before you or someone else wears it. After taking inventory of what you are keeping and giving away, take note of anything you’ll need to purchase for the season ahead.
Make room
Put the summer clothing you want to keep into storage. You can keep it in fabric bins on a shelf, in under-the-bed storage bins, in plastic totes in the attic, or on a garment rack in a spare bedroom. If you need extra space, consider storing your items in unexpected places, such as on a shelf above your bedroom door, or utilize vacuum storage bags to compress them. Label your storage bins with the help of a label maker or by getting reusable chalkboard labels, and keep a written or computer record of what is in each container and where it is stored. An alternative is to mark your containers with smart QR code labels that come with an app to keep data and photos about a bin’s inventory, location, and contents.

Prep your closet and drawers
After your closet and drawers are emptied, wipe surfaces with a damp cloth and vacuum the floors. If you like, paint your closet’s walls; white or a light neutral color will make it easier to see your items. You can get better lighting in your closet by putting up a light fixture or by hanging battery-operated stick-on lights. If you have the space, get a bench for putting on shoes and a full-length wall mirror for trying on outfits.
Optimize your space
Space-saving products, such as slim velvet hangers and hangers that hold multiple items at once, can help you fit more into your closet and drawers. If you need extra shoe storage, try adding stackable containers. Drawer dividers can help organize socks and other small items. Aim to keep like items, such as your pajamas or T-shirts, together. Consider organizing your clothes by color and folding sweaters instead of hanging them so they won’t get stretched out. Protect your drawers with decorative paper liners; scented ones are a nice touch.