Winter Storm Preparation Tips
No matter where you live in the US, winter will likely bring rough weather to your door. Take these steps before winter to make sure you are not left out in the cold or are caught without needed supplies.
Stock up on supplies
Now is the time to buy items you might need for colder weather. If you live in an area that gets winter snow, buy a snow shovel or snowblower if you don’t have one. Stock up on rock salt to keep driveways and walkways clear of ice.
Make a good entrance
When the temperatures dip and it’s rainy or snowy, you’ll want to get into your home as quickly as possible. Tackle any issues with your home’s entrance before winter arrives. Fix up crumbling walkways and stairs and oil any sticky locks. Get a remote garage door opener so you won’t have to get out of the car in inclement weather.

Mini mudroom area
Create a place by your home’s entrance to drop your coat and boots. One way to do this is by creating a mini mudroom area by your door. Put up a rack for coats and set aside a space for wet boots and shoes. You can add a boot tray or put down a fabric welcome mat to catch water and dirt and prevent it from being tracked through the rest of your home.
Get outfitted
Shop for winter gear, such as a raincoat or parka and some winter boots or galoshes before store inventories are low. But if you want a discount, you’ll find a lower price tag on winter gear in December. You might be able to get discounted winter gear on Black Friday too.

Stock up
Check your inventory of bottled water and canned goods before the next winter storm arrives. Get a manual can opener for if you lose power. Buy toilet paper, blankets, candles, matches, a flashlight, and possibly a rechargeable or battery-operated radio.
Prepare your fireplace
Your fireplace will come in handy for warmth and light if a winter storm knocks out your heat or power. Stock up on firewood. Have a chimney sweep clean your firebox and chimney before winter to prevent a chimney fire.

Ready your electronics
Before a storm arrives, charge electronics such as your cell phone and your laptop. Have batteries on hand for things that require them, such as your TV remotes, battery-operated candles, and flashlights.
Baby food and pet supplies
Stock up on needed supplies for baby, such as baby food, wipes, and diapers. Also make sure you have your pets covered. Stock up on dry or canned pet food, as well as kitty litter or waste bags if you walk your pup.
First aid kit and medications
Have a basic first aid kit on hand for emergencies. At the minimum, you’ll want adhesive bandages for small cuts, antibiotic ointment, an instant cold compress, a thermometer, and pain relievers. Refill any necessary medications you take before a storm arrives.